Erdélyi Digitális Tudománytár
Roma szövegtár
III. Romakutatások és elemzések
Zamfir, Elena – Zamfir Cătălin: Ţiganii între ignorare şi îngrijorare. Editura Alternative, Bucureşti, 1993. Partea a III-a. Caracteristicile social-economice ale populaţiei de romi. 65–154.
Stewart, Michael, “Introduction: The Lowest of the Low,” and “Conclusion: Marginality. Resistance, and Ideology,” in The Time of the Gypsies. Boulder: Westview, 1997, 1–13 and 232–246.
Gabriel Troc: A State of Dispair: Roma (Gypsy) Population during Transition. Studia Europaea, 2002/1–2, 49–90.
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