Erdélyi Digitális Tudománytár
Magyar – zsidó viszony a 20. századi Erdélyben
Magyar – zsidó viszony a 20. századi Erdélyben
3. Faur, Antonio: Considerations Regarding the Illegal Pathways for Crossing Jews from Hungary in Romania (May–August 1944). In: Studia Judaica 2011. (19) 25–35.
2. Bucs Erika: The Reorganization of the Jewish Community after World War II (1945–1950). Case Study: Sighetu Marmaţiei. In: Studia Judaica 2010. (18) 312–322.
4. Faur, Antonio: The Petition Addressed by Theodor Fischer to the French Delegation at the Paris Peace Conference (August 7, 1946). In: Studia Judaica 2007. (15) 231–241.
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