1946–2012, Meister Róbert
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inkluzív oktatás
14 tétel
HÁJKOVÁ Vanda: Conditions of Transforming the School Environment into an Inclusive School., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue, 2, 185–197
RÓTH Mária; MÁTYÁS Júlia-Katalin; BERSZÁN Lidia; BARTHA Aliz: A gyakorló padagógusok értelmezései az inkluzív oktatásról., Erdélyi Pszichológiai Szemle, 4, 251–277
RÁDULY-ZÖRGŐ Éva; FERENCZ Noémi: Az inkluzív oktatással kapcsolatos nevelői, szülői és tanulói attitűdök összehasonlító vizsgálata., Erdélyi Pszichológiai Szemle, 4, 279–294
POKORNA Vera; LEBEER Joseph: Why Inclusive education and Cognitive Education Signify an Enrichment of Education for All?, Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue No. 2, 1, 5–8
FEUERSTEIN Reuven: Shaping Modifying Environments through Inclusion., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue No. 2, 1, 9–23
ENGELS Peetjie: It's a Nice Life : my Experience with Inclusion., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue No. 2, 1, 25–30
LEBEER Joseph: Clues to Inclusive and Cognitive Education : Reconciling Needs to Integrate and to Activate Learning Processes., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue No. 2, 1, 31–61
STECH Stanislav: Specific Features of Cognition and Learning in the School Context Paradoxes of the Emphasis on Cultural Practices of Cognition Close to the Child., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue No. 2, 1, 63–76
ROBSON Sue: Frameworks for Thinking : Supporting Successful Thinking and Learning., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue No. 2, 1, 77–88
FALIK Louis H.: Succesful Inclusion of Special Needs Students in Normalized Educational Environments : The Role of Counseling and Consultation., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue No. 2, 1, 89–97
KOZULIN Alex: Integration of Culturally Different Students in Mainstream Classes., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue No. 2, 1, 99–105
HAUG Peder: The National Curriculum a Closing or Opening Key to Inclusion., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue No. 2, 1, 107–115
IANES Dario: The Italian Model for the Inclusion and Integration of Students with Special Needs : Some Issues., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue No. 2, 1, 117–127
POKORNA Vera: A Systems Approach to Care of Children with Specific Needs., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue No. 2, 1, 129–138