1946–2012, Meister Róbert
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4 tétel
TOMORI Viola: A zsörtölődés lélektana. Gondolatok a könyvtárban., Korunk, 10, 820–825
PINO-PASTERNAK Deborah; WHITEBREAD David: Developing Frameworks and Tools for the Analysis of Parent-Child interactions and Their Impact of Children's Self Regulation., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue, 2, 335–356
KRASTINA Elfrida; BERZINA Zenia; KRAUKLE Sandra; ZAKE Daiga: Inclisioun and the Role of Parents Involvement., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue, 2, 357–373
STARÁ Miloslava: Parent's Training in activation of Cognitive Development and Other Skills of Children with Special Educational Needs from Birth to 6 Years., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue, 2, 375–387