1946–2012, Meister Róbert
A romániai magyar társadalomtudományi irodalom bibliográfiája
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6 tétel
BUDAY József: Öröklött és környezeti tényezők hatása a Down kórosok testalkatára., Erdélyi Pszichológiai Szemle, 1, 3–14
KISS Szidónia: A Down-szindróma genetikai természete., Erdélyi Pszichológiai Szemle, 2, 225–231
LEBEER Joseph: Shifting perspective : Dynamic Assessment of Learning Processes in Children with Developmental Disturbances., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue, 1, 57–85
BUCKLEY Sue; BIRD Gillian; SACKS Ben; ARCHER Tamsin: A Comparison Of Maintream and Special Education for Teenagers With Down Syndrome: Implications for Parents and Teachers., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue, 2, 155–174
ENGELS GEURTS Netty: Mathematics for Every One: a Pilot Project of Teatchng Maths to Children with Intellectual Impairement., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue, 2, 241–250
STARÁ Miloslava: Parent's Training in activation of Cognitive Development and Other Skills of Children with Special Educational Needs from Birth to 6 Years., Transylvanian Journal of Psychologie. Special Issue, 2, 375–387